Louisiana Stumpage Report: Third Quarter 2023

The stumpage prices below are the statewide averages and are intended to demonstrate the general trends in the market. The current value of timber can differ greatly across parishes, species, tree quality, market access and other factors. Forest landowners considering a timber sale are encouraged to contact a consulting forester for assistance. Average stumpage prices for the six major products for the third quarter of 2023 were reported as follows:

Average stumpage prices*($/ton) Q3/2023

Q3/2023 Q2/2023 Q3/2022 Q3/Q2 % Change Q3/Q3 % Change
Pine Sawtimber 27.79 26.50 25.77 4.87 7.84
Oak Sawtimber 45.28 46.08 42.67


Mixed Hardwood Sawtimber 32.63 30.09 33.69 8.44


Pine Chip-n-Saw 17.89 18.31 16.93


Pine Pulpwood 6.49 6.35 7.72 2.20


Hardwood Pulpwood 7.86 10.43 7.57



*Oak sawtimber includes both red oak and white oak species. The sawtimber and pulpwood price data included in this newsletter are published with permission from TimberMart-South Athens, Georgia. Contact TimberMart-South via email at tmart@timbermart-south.com.

— This document is intended for use by forestry stakeholders of Louisiana. The source of these prices is proprietary in nature.

Market Trends

In the third quarter of 2023, Louisiana’s timber market displayed a diverse trend with notable percentage changes in prices. Pine sawtimber prices continued their upward trajectory, increasing by approximately 4.87% from $26.50 per ton in Q2 to $27.79 per ton in Q3. Conversely, oak sawtimber prices experienced a slight decrease of around 1.74%, dropping from $46.08 per ton to $45.28 per ton. Mixed hardwood sawtimber showed a substantial increase of approximately 8.44%, rising from $30.09 per ton in Q2 to $32.63 per ton in Q3. Pine chip-n-saw prices saw a minor decrease of about 2.29%, going from $18.31 per ton in Q2 to $17.89 per ton in Q3. Pine pulpwood prices increased by roughly 2.2% from $6.35 per ton to $6.49 per ton, while hardwood pulpwood prices decreased notably by around 24.64% from $10.43 per ton to $7.86 per ton in Q3.

While timber prices generally decreased in the third quarter, this trend was not uniform across all products and regions. Louisiana faced unique challenges due to an unprecedented wildfire season with dry conditions and extreme heat persisting throughout the quarter. Statewide, more than 60,000 acres burned year-to-date. By the end of August, the Tiger Island fire in Beauregard Parish had grown to 33,000 acres. The La. Highway 113 fire covered 8,000 acres in Rapides and Vernon parishes (TimberMart-South, 2023). The forest fires disrupted Louisiana’s timber supply. Pine sawtimber harvest in August and September of 2023 recorded an 8.22% decrease, while pine pulpwood harvest in the same period experienced a 9.3% reduction in the Central Region (calculated based on severance tax), which includes Beauregard Parish. It is difficult to determine to what extent the forest fires contributed to the decline in timber harvest, but it is clear they had a significant impact on the state’s timber industry. The fires disrupted harvesting operations, damaged timber stands and threatened mill operations. It remains to be seen how the market will recover.

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5/15/2024 9:59:24 PM
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