Wheat and oat field day set for April 23

(04/09/24) WINNSBORO, La. — The LSU AgCenter will hold its annual wheat and oat field day April 23 at the Tom H. Scott Research, Extension and Education Center in Winnsboro.

The event will be from 8 a.m. to noon, and a sponsored lunch will be provided. The Scott Center is located at 212A Macon Ridge Road in Winnsboro.

The field day will cover multiple topics, including:

— Fusarium head blight (scab) nursery.

— Wheat crop update and scab trials.

— Hessian fly update.

— Breeding for Hessian fly resistance.

— Wheat official variety trials.

— Drones in agricultural research.

— Corn response to sulfur and zinc fertilization.

— Wheat and oat variety development nurseries.

AgCenter plant pathologist Trey Price said he hopes for a good turnout with face-to-face exchanges.

“We encourage agents, consultants, farmers and seedsmen to attend this field day for the latest in wheat and oat production,” he said. “Their interaction and feedback are most welcomed.”

Sponsors include AGSouth Genetics, Dyna-Gro Seed, Louisiana Land Bank, Progeny and Stratton Seed Co.

For additional information, contact Price at pprice@agcenter.lsu.edu or at 318-435-2157.

Steve Harrison.

LSU AgCenter wheat breeder Stephen Harrison discusses wheat variety trials with attendees of the 2023 wheat and oat field day. This year’s event will be held April 23 at the Tom H. Scott Research, Extension and Education Center in Winnsboro. Photo by V. Todd Miller/LSU AgCenter

4/9/2024 4:41:50 PM
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