Get It Growing calendar entry deadline nearing

(3/05/24) BATON ROUGE, La. — The deadline for “budding” and experienced photographers to submit their best photos for the LSU AgCenter’s 2025 Get It Growing calendar is rapidly approaching.

The deadline for entries is March 31.

Project coordinator Elma Sue McCallum said AgCenter faculty will select about 40 photos for the calendar.

Twelve photos will be featured as full-page images for each month’s page in the calendar, and one will be used on the cover. The rest will be used throughout the calendar.

“We encourage gardening lovers and photographers to submit their photos for the Get It Growing Calendar,” McCallum said. “The calendar has become a popular, yearly resource for gardeners.”

Photographs offered for consideration must be high-resolution, digital images submitted online at All images must be the original work of the photographer submitting the image. Photographers should limit entries to 25 or fewer of their best photos.

Photographers chosen for the featured monthly pages will receive five copies of the published calendar, and their names will be included with their photos. Other contributors also will be listed with their photos and will receive two copies of the published calendar.

Questions can be emailed to

Get It Growing Calendar Cover.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is a tropical perennial native to Asia that has a fast growth rate, grows well in containers and produces a wide range of colors and patterns. It blooms from early summer through late fall. Photo by Claudia Husseneder

3/5/2024 7:06:21 PM
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