Stay Independent Series Offered

A four-part nutrition and wellness program, Stay Independent, will be held at the East Feliciana Extension Office located at 4419 Idlewild Road, Clinton, LA on July 12, 14, 19, & 21 from 1:00-2:30pm. Stay Independent is for adults age 60+.Key behaviors placing older adults at risk are not eating three meals a day and limited intakes of protein and produce. And many older adults are not physically active which can increase their risk of sarcopenia, or age-related muscle wasting. Stay Independent provides these older adults with research-based nutrition and wellness information to help them reduce their nutritional risk and sarcopenia risk.

The program will be conducted by Layne Langley, Area Nutrition with the LSU AgCenter. Topics covered include: Three Meals a Day, Feast on Fruits & Vegetables, Power Up with Protein, Cooking for One or Two, Brain Health, and Exercise You Independence. There is a $13 fee for the series (4 classes). Participants will receive all information presented at each class. For the program to be offered, a minimum of 5 registrants will be required. Deadline to register for this series is June 12. Registration is only available online at the LSU AgCenter Store at questions, contact Layne Langley at 225-683-3101 or at

5/17/2023 4:52:32 PM
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