Louisiana Master Farmer Program schedules trainings for 2023

(01/30/23) BATON ROUGE, La. — People interested in becoming a Louisiana Master Farmer can take the first step toward certification by attending one of five upcoming training sessions scheduled for locations across the state or completing a new online module.

These trainings comprise the first phase of the Louisiana Master Farmer Program, which aims to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability. The second phase requires participants to attend a field day or workshop, and in the third phase, they develop and implement comprehensive conservation plans for their farms.

The program is a collaborative effort of the LSU AgCenter, the Louisiana Farm Bureau, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, the Louisiana Cattlemen’s Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.

“Since its inception almost 23 years ago, almost 4,000 agricultural producers and landowners have participated in this voluntary environmental stewardship program,” said program coordinator Donna Gentry. “This program was designed for producers, regardless of commodity or size of operation, to help address environmental concerns and enhance production through best management practices.”

The new online training module is available at https://bit.ly/40eOHHp. The in-person sessions listed below will each run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

— Feb. 28, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Rayne, with a focus on row crops.

— March 2, Dean Lee Research and Extension Center, Alexandria, with a focus on row crops.

— June 15, Lincoln Parish extension office, Ruston, with a focus on livestock.

— June 28, Macon Ridge Research Station, Winnsboro, with a focus on row crops.

— Sept. 7, Hammond Research Station, Hammond, with a focus on nursey crops.

Those planning to attend a classroom session are asked to preregister by emailing MasterFarmer@agcenter.lsu.edu. Questions about the program also may be sent to this address.

1/30/2023 5:02:17 PM
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