We are excited to announce that the 2023 Achievement Day Honoree is Mrs. Frances Miller!
Mrs. Frances is a lifelong resident of Acadia parish. She is a graduate of Iota High School and McNeese State University. She has been married to Dale Miller for 43 years, and they are the parents of 3 children (John, Cassie, and Jacob) and grandparents of 6 (Gannon, Julianna, Lilli, Jemma, Emmalynn, and Ellie), and great-grandparents of Maverick Dale.
4-H has always been important to Mrs. Frances. She was a 4-H member as a child and continued her involvement into her adult years.Acadia is fortunate to have had Mrs. Miller as a parent and teacher leader for over 20 years. She still is “lending her hands to larger service” as she volunteers in many roles throughout the Acadia parish 4-H program. In 2021, she was selected as Acadia Parish 4-H Leader of the Year. It is with the most deserving honor that we announce Mrs. Frances Miller as the 2023 Achievement Day Honoree.
Once again, the 2022-2023 Achievement Day Service Project will be can pop tops! Remember that you can start collecting can pop tops now! All clubs will turn in the pop top donations at Achievement Day. All proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis, Tennessee. Many children and their families from St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital use this location. Please feel free to get the whole school involved and put out collection jars if you would like to make some. Please note that Achievement Day 2023 will be the due date for pop tops held on March 31, 2023.
This is a fun activity open to all 4-H members. It will be held at the Crowley Rice Arena located at 159 Cherokee Drive Crowley, LA on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. One dog per participant (may choose to take part in 2 categories). In the event you are not a dog owner, you are allowed to show a neighbor or close friend's dog! Registration will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the show starts at 6:00 p.m. This is a dog ONLY contest. Do not bring dogs that are too big or too aggressive for the 4-H'ers to handle. All animals MUST be vaccinated and restrained on a leash or in a cage. Only dog 4-H exhibitors will be allowed in the arena. This year's categories are Best Dressed, Owner Pet Look Alike, Waggiest Tail, Highest Jumper, Longest Tail, and Longest Fur. Vet Set Geaux is formerly the Pet ID Contest. This contest includes identifying breeds or dogs, cats, birds, etc. It also requires knowledge of pet care.
If you are a Jr. Leadership member you may be eligible to apply for the 4-H Emerald Achievement Award. It is one of the highest honors you can receive as a 4-H member and its honorary membership is for a lifetime. Basic requirements are you must be 15 years old by January 1, 2023, you must have 3 years of 4-H club work, including this year, you must have completed one year of Jr. Leadership work, excluding award year, you must score at least 360 points on the score card and online application. This year the application is online only. To complete the application, visit this link https://tinyurl.com/EmeraldAch. Online applications must be completed and submitted by February 24, 2023.
The Golden Clover award is for 4-H members that are 14 years of age or younger as of January 1, 2023 and have at least 2 years of 4-H club work. This award can only be won by the 4-H member one time. There is an online application that must be filled out in order to be considered. To complete the application, visit this link
https://tinyurl.com/GoldenClover. This is a parish award, and it is an honor to receive. Online applications must be completed and submitted by February 24, 2023.
Communication is listed as one of the skills necessary for success in the 21st Century Workplace. Additionally, it is an important life skill that will benefit children and teens as they grow into competent, caring adults. Many people think of communication as just speaking; however, it works best when it is a two-way street. Listening and asking questions are also important in the communication process. At our club meetings this month, we will practice sending and receiving messages and learn the importance of cooperative communication.
Acadia Parish 4-H Jr. Leader club will be hosting a silent auction at this year’s Acadia Parish Livestock Show, January 19-21, 2023. The event will kick off on the 19th and end on the 21st. The winners will be posted at the buyers' auction. We are asking for you to come out and show your support by stopping by the auction table. We are sure you will like the unique items you cannot find anywhere else. The proceeds will support the Acadia Parish Jr. Leader 4-H club.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Life Book contest! We had over 80 Life Books created and turned in for this contest! All of the Life Books created were donated to youth in foster care in Acadia Parish!
4th-6th Grade winners are
1st Ellie Istre, Mire
2nd Goldie Keller, Egan
3rd Mollie McCrory, Mire
7th-12th Grade winners are
1st Jailyn Latiolais, Mire
2nd Shelbi Young, OMP
3rd Ashley Clement, Midland
Do not forget!!!! Exhibitors, you must have health papers on your animals before you are allowed to enter the show barn with your animals. Health papers should be issued within 60 days of the show. To ensure that your papers are current through the state show, take your animals to the veterinarian a week or two before the parish livestock show. Lambs and goats must have a scrape tag in their ear. Remember, there is a dress code when showing and selling your animal in the arena: No T-Shirts, No Shorts, No Hats, and shirts need to be tucked into pants.
The parish Livestock Judging contest will be held Friday, January 20th at the Rice Arena in Crowley, beginning at 5:00 p.m. or after the conclusion of the show. 4-H members will judge at least one class of sheep, beef, and swine. Each class will be comprised of four animals. Senior 4-H members will also be required to give oral reasons on one of the judging classes. This contest is open to every 4-H member. To learn more about and practice your livestock judging skills, visit YouTube and search for livestock judging.
Due to the reformatting of the 4-H portfolio there will no longer be a portfolio contest. Only Record Book submissions will be excepted. All entries must be submitted through the school club leader. All sections of the portfolio must be completed in order to receive a blue ribbon. The project work described in the 4-H member’s record book should be the work of the club member for the current year.
Section 2: 4-H Project Overview List the size and scope of your participation in your 4-H project(s). Use this space to give specific details about what you did in your 4-H project and remember to complete one of these for each project. Use numbers when appropriate to show size, growth, profits, losses or savings related to your 4-H project. For example, consider providing numbers on animals, dishes prepared, meals served, clothing made, repairs completed, pictures taken, workshops attended, interviews conducted, etc. Report year(s) of project work based on your grade level. 4th, 5th, and 6th graders: Provide a narrative summary, list, and/or chart that covers the project work you have completed in the past year. 7th and 8th graders: Provide a narrative summary, list, and/or chart that covers the project work you have completed in the past two years. 9th - 12th graders: Provide a narrative summary, list, and/or chart that covers the project work you have completed in the past three years.
Section 3: This Year’s 4-H Project Summary (1 page only) This 3- part section should include only 1 year [the current year] of your 4-H project work. Use the 3 charts in this section to record progress on your 4-H project(s) work. Learning Experiences: List the opportunities you have had for learning. Include tours, interviews, demonstrations, camp/conference sessions, workshops, clinics and other sharing experiences. Financial Summary: Include all information on expenses and income related to your project. Expenses include all items or services you paid for to support this project. Income includes all money received from the sale of services, products and/or premiums from this project- if applicable. Project Accomplishments/Summary: List the major accomplishments or outcomes you made in this project this year. Describe the impact that your project work has had for you, your family, your 4-H club and/or your community.
Sections 4: Leadership (1 page per year, 3 pages max) In this section, include any time that you led an activity. Include times that you taught, coordinated, organized or guided others. Make sure to list 4-H officer position(s), committees or other positions held. If a leadership activity is directly relevant to your project work, place a check mark in the ‘Project ‘column.
Section 5: 4-H Citizenship & Community Service(1 page per year, 3 pages max) In this section, list any time that you served others through 4-H. The level of work is based on the final outreach of the organization that the service or donation is going toward. For example, the Salvation Army is a national organization, so donations should be listed as “N.” The Lion’s Club is an international organization, therefore any donations or services to benefit this organization should be listed as “I.” If an activity is directly relevant to your 4-H project work, place a check mark in the ‘Project’ column.
Section 6: 4-H Awards and Recognition (1 page per year up to 3 years) Recognition could be ribbons, certificates, trips, or being invited to a special event.
Section 7: Non-4-H Experiences and Activities (1 page per year up to 3 years) List any participation in any other clubs and anytime you taught, led or guided others.List any officer position(s) held, committee(s) served on or other position(s) held. Include only non-4-H work. List any activities you have participated in to help others in your community. Describe the importance of the activity by including details, such ashours spent, type of service conducted, number of items donated, etc. Lastly include any non-4-H awards received.
Section 8: My 4-H Emphasize your personal growth and development and highlight your involvement in
the project area(s) in which your are submitting your records. Your story must be typed in Microsoft Word or a similar software program. Your 4-H story should be printed and inserted into your Record Book. All stories should be typed in 12 point font and double
spaced. Use 8.5” x 11” paper with a 1.5” margin at the top and the left and a 1” margin at bottom and right of each page. Use only the front side of the page. Your story is limited to: 4 pages [maximum] for 4th- 6th graders or 6 pages [maximum] for 7th-12th graders.
Section 9: 4-H Photos & Supporting Materials The judges focus more on the content in this section, than on any decorative page elements. Make sure to use the front side of the paper, not front and back. Be sure to include candid photos, action shots and captions. Photos should include project-specific activities, in addition to leadership and community service highlights. Either insert photos and type captions directly into a computer file to print and insert into your book, or print photos and glue or tape them onto pages with typed captions. Exception: 4-H Members who are entering Photography project work can include 10 additional pages of their photography samples. When writing captions, include detailed information such as presentation topics, audience numbers/participants, things that you learned.
Attending college can be expensive. There are many opportunities for you to start saving money to attend. One way is through scholarships. There are several scholarships for which you may apply that will be awarded this year. Scholarships available are: Scott Tractor, Parish Livestock Show, District Livestock Show and several through the State 4-H Foundation. An email will be sent to all eligible seniors about the scholarship opportunities. If you would prefer to be mailed a paper copy, please contact the 4-H Office at 337-788-8821. This year in an effort to recognize 4-H members who are graduating, Louisiana 4-H will offer a "4-H Honor Cord." For 4-H members to receive the 4-H Honor Cord, they must meet the following requirements: 1) must be enrolled in 4-H; 2) must be a graduating senior; 3) have been enrolled in 4-H for 3 high school years; 4) have participated in one state sponsored 4-H program in the last 3 years or show exemplary parish involvement; 5) must fill out an application form and turn it in by parish deadline date of January 27, 2023 The application can be found at https://tinyurl.com/234-HHonorCord
Happy New Year to you all! 4-H Southern Regional match is March 10-19th in Gonzales and Port Allen. Please read the form carefully when choosing which discipline you are competing in. Both forms and registration fees must be turned into the 4-H office by Monday, January 23, 2023. Please make checks payable to Acadia 4-H Foundation. Just a few reminders about Southern Regionals: In order to qualify, each participant must have their hunter safety card (temporary or permanent) as of December 31, 2022 and have a minimum of 8 hours of official practice time. Each participant is required to furnish their own ammunition. Parish equipment must be signed out from the office during business hours. Here is an advanced notice to remind everyone to mark your calendars. Our parish shooting sports competitions will be held in February. Shotgun will be 2/5/2023, Archery 2/12/2023, Pistol 2/12/2023 and Rifle 2/19/2023.
Also, as a reminder proper safety procedure must be followed and required safety equipment must be used when competing in competitions. Remember, all competitors are required to have eye and ear protection. Those competing with firearms other than archery, are also required to have an empty chamber indicator that is bright and visible to all.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture