FCS Spotlight, Northeast Region - November 2022

Quincy Vidrine, Thornton, Amy, Langston, Marianna L.

Group of people.
Planting a plant in the dirt.

The LSU AgCenter and Southern University AgCenter recently held their annual Louisiana Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Conference: Giving Everyone a Seat at the Table! As part of the multiday conference, an awards and recognition luncheon were held to recognize outstanding Family and Consumer Science Agents and SNAP-Ed and EFNEP Nutrition Educators. The Southern University Ag Center FCS Agent of the Year Award was presented to Marianna Langston. Langston is the Assistant Area FCS Agent for Union and Morehouse Parishes. Her current programs focus on providing learning opportunities to parish residents about strengthening families and developing healthy lifestyles. Health literacy programs assist families in developing a family health history and understanding medical terminology. Family resource management programs helps families gain knowledge about how to better prepare for financial matters. These programs have been presented to a wide range of local youth and adult community groups.

Nutrition programs in both parishes help to promote healthy food choices, food preparation skills and increased physical activities. Programs include multi-level approaches to providing the information and include hands on learning opportunities. Nutrition programs also include gardening activities with program participants. Many of the groups that she works with often participate in series of classes that are part of each of the different program areas. During her time with Southern University’s AgCenter she has been able to expand partnerships and collaborations on a continual basis. She has also expanded the wide array of programs offered in both parishes. Forging key partnerships is a key part of her providing programs that her participants request. Her afterschool program at Union Parish Elementary has enabled participants to learn about healthy food choices and food preparation skills. She recently partnered with the Town of Farmerville and Farmerville Parks and Recreation to provide C.H.E.F. Camp during the summer for local youth. A successful health literacy program was just completed in conjunction with Sweet Union Baptist Church. MCIO Head Start in Bastrop just finished planting their fall garden as part of a series of nutrition classes. She also has series of nutrition classes in Morehouse with both elementary and high school students.

2/28/2023 5:08:55 PM
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