The LSU AgCenter provides innovative research, information, and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a unique statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.
We had a wet January to the middle of June. We received42.67 inches of rain during this time from data collected at the LSU AgCenter’s Sweet Potato Research Station at Chase, LA .The average yearly rainfall for NE Louisiana is 57 inches. For the last two weeks it has become hot and Dry. Producers are irrigating and hoping for rain.
The Franklin Parish corn, cotton, and soybean variety on-farm demonstrations are progressing. We appreciate the producers who are willing to work with us on these demonstrations.
The LSU AgCenter’s annual Agriculture Summary for 2023 showed the gross farm value in Franklin Parish to be $232,582,479.
We want to welcome Dr. Shelly Kerns who has started as the LSU AgCenter’s Corn, Cotton and Grain Sorghum Extension Specialist. Her office is in Winnsboro at the Scott Research and Extension Center.
The Shooting Sports BB Team placed third in the State Competition which made them eligible to go to the BB Nationals in Arkansas in July.
Samantha Shelton was awarded the Scott Truck and Tractor scholarship. Samantha plans on attending LSU this fall. The Scott Foundation awards one scholarship to a graduating senior 4-H member annually in each of the parishes the company previously had a dealership.
Eli Rogers and Paul Kramer attended 4-H University on the LSU Baton Rouge campus. Eli won the “4-H Has Talent” contest and will continue to serve on the state Executive Board.
We had six 4-H members participate in the Northeast Louisiana District Horse Show in Bastrop. All of them qualified to participate in the State Show which has moved to DeRidder this year.
Crowville School & Community Garden is a joint effort between Master Gardeners, the LSU AgCenter Nutrition and Community Health, SNAP Ed Team, and the Friends of Crowville. Twenty-six pounds of potatoes, thirty-two pounds of Roma tomatoes, and five gallons of cherry tomatoes have been harvested and distributed in the community this summer. We are always looking for volunteers to work with this project, please contact the Extension Office if you are interested.
Complete Streets Summit 2024 – The communities of Gilbert, Wisner, and Baskin are preparing to submit applications to the Louisiana Transportation Alternatives Program to increase walkability in their towns. Groups from each community attended the Complete Streets Summit in Ruston on June 26, 2024.Nutrition and Community Health Agent Quincy Vidrine is their LSU AgCenter representative and DOTD liaison for all three groups.
Nutrition education classes delivered by SNAP Ed Nutrition Educator, Krissten Medlin is ongoing in Franklin parish at all Council on Aging locations, the MERIT Center, and different Farmer’s Market events on the weekends and in the evening. This summer we are also offering KidChef Workshops for youth ages 9-12 in Baskin and Crowville.