Jinggang Guo recently joined the LSU AgCenter as an extension forest economics specialist and assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness. In this role, he will conduct research and develop extension programming to help stakeholders in Louisiana manage their timber resources and understand timber markets and price trends at the local, national and global scales.
“This position gives me a unique opportunity to put my theoretical knowledge into practice and involve myself in improving forest landowners’ well-being,” Guo said. “I focus on programs that provide in-depth resource and economic analysis for the forest industry in Louisiana and the development of forest-based markets and methods to utilize woody resources.”
Guo holds a Ph.D. in forest economics from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. After graduation, he worked at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, as a postdoctoral researcher. His primary role there was to help the U.S. Forest Service develop a new global forest products trade model to predict future markets as they relate to alternative socioeconomic trends. Before joining the AgCenter in 2021, he worked for the U.S. Forest Service and RTI International, where he designed economic models to help inform climate and energy policy decisions.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture