Louisiana 4-H is hosting the 2022 Louisiana Beef Industry Council Beef Poster Contest.
The contest encourages participants to learn more about the beef industry while promoting beef industry nutrition and products.
The contest is open to students in grades 4th through 12th and includes four divisions:
Division I (fourth to sixth grades); Division II (seventh to ninth grades); Division III Poster (10th to 12th grades); and Division III Digital (grades 4th-12th).
Pointe Coupee 4-H participants are asked to have 4-H poster entries to the Parish Office by November 30, 2021.
The contest theme is All About Beef. Posters must be on 22 inches by 28 inches poster board and must include the participant’s name, address, age, grade and parish/chapter on the back upper right corner of the poster.
Digital entries must be designed using either Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Canva. All digital entries must be saved in high resolution 300 dpi in all of the following file formats: original design file, png, and pdf.
No templates may be used in the digital division and all design work must be original and from scratch. Participants cannot use copyrighted pictures, clip-art or other materials. The poster will be disqualified if copyrighted material is used.
Parish awards will be given for each division. Winners will proceed on to the state level. Awards include $200 to first place winners, $100 to second place winners and $50 to third place winners in each division. Cash prizes are sponsored by the Louisiana Beef Industry Council.
For more information, contact the Pointe Coupee 4-H office at pointecoupee@agcenter.lsu.edu
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture