AgCenter issues call for entries for 2023 Get It Growing calendar photos

(11/15/21) BATON ROUGE, La. — Got an eye for photography? The LSU AgCenter wants your best shots of lawns, gardens, flowers, trees and vegetables.

Faculty at the AgCenter are beginning to put together the 2023 edition of the popular Get It Growing calendar. They’re seeking high-quality photos from across Louisiana to illustrate the publication, which features seasonal gardening advice and horticultural how-to articles.

“We encourage gardening lovers and photographers to submit their photos for the Get It Growing Calendar,” said Elma Sue McCallum, the project coordinator. “It’s a great way to share their work with the gardening community and be a part of a wonderful educational resource for Louisiana gardeners.”

The deadline for entries is March 31, 2022. Entries must be high-resolution digital images and submitted online at

All images must be the original work of the photographer submitting the image. Each person is asked to limit their entries to 25 or fewer of their best photos.

Submission guidelines can be found at

About 40 photos will be selected for the calendar. Twelve photos — one for each month of the year — will run full page, and one will be used on the cover. The remaining images will appear throughout the calendar.

Photographers whose pictures are chosen will have their names listed in the calendar and receive copies of the publication.

The 2022 edition of the calendar is on sale now. Information and links to order are available online at

The current edition includes monthly gardening tips from LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard, a feature on hydrangeas, illustrated instructions on creating a rain garden, a glossary of gardening terms and a Louisiana climate zone map.

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Nadine Melancon’s photo of a bee on a cosmos flower graces the cover of the 2022 Get It Growing Lawn and Garden Calendar. These annual flowers bloom summer through fall and come in colors of purple, pink, orange, red and white. The daisylike flowers attract bees, birds and butterflies and prefer full sun and survive poor soil conditions.

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In May, the 2022 Get It Growing Lawn and Garden Calendar features a photo of stonecrops, also known as sedums. With hundreds of species, this trendy group of plants has a wide variety of shapes, colors and growth habits. Their leaves are water-storing plants and known as succulents. Photo by Scott Reed

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Peaches make an appearance in July in the 2022 Get It Growing Lawn and Garden Calendar. Peaches make a great addition to your landscape and can provide a source of delicious, fresh fruit for eating, but they are a high-maintenance fruit tree. They prefer well-drained soils. Peach trees produce beautiful blooms that the pollinators just love. Photo by Candace Chaney

11/12/2021 8:48:18 PM
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