October Clover Chat

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Beef Poster Contest

This activity will encourage participants to learn more about the beef industry while encouraging beef industry, product, and nutrition promotion. Through creative and original thinking participants will develop a visual form of marketing communication to convey thoughts and ideas. Participants are expected to create original work using resources wisely. The rules of the Beef Poster Contest are as follows:

Team Beef-All About Beef

Contest Rules

1. Poster must be on 22x28” poster board only.

2. Place your name, address, age, grade in school, parish, & division on the upper right corner on the back of your poster.

3. Do Not Use Copyrighted materials

4. The finished poster should be appropriate for use on a billboard.

Division I— 4th, 5th, & 6th grades

Division II—7th, 8th, & 9th grades

Division III—10th, 11th, & 12th grades

Please turn in your beef posters at your November club meeting or the 4-H office by November 30th.

Hurricane Relief Service Project

The Pointe Coupee Junior Leaders are partnering with Lower Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes to collect school supplies needed 4-H Leaders and Teachers affected by Hurricane Ida. Many teachers lost their classrooms due to water and mold damage and will be teaching in remote settings because of displacement. In addition, Terrebonne Parish lost many of the elements in their 4-H office. Please see the list below and donate items if feasible. All items will be brought to lower Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes the week of the month. Please have all items collected by Wednesday, October 27, 2021.

StaplersCandyGlue SticksCrayons
Dry Erase BoardsPost-it NotesColored PencilsFile Folders with Fasteners
Expo MarkersInk PensPencilsScissors

Junior Leaders

All 7th – 12th grade 4-H members are encouraged to join and participate in the Jr. Leader Club. This club is full of fun and friendship! Members will get to attend the fun-interactive monthly meetings and participate in the service activities the club works with each year. The Jr. Leader club also helps to run parish 4-H activities by serving as judges, registering participants, and setting up for contests. We will rely on this group more than ever to help with our programming.

October Service Project:

School Supply drive for those affected by Hurricane Ida.

When: Sunday, October 17 at 5:00 pm

Where: 4-H office in New Roads.

ALL interested 7-12th graders are invited should register with the button below.

Junior Leader Registration

Livestock Exhibitors

Attention Livestock Exhibitors or any new 4-H members who may be interested in showing livestock (dairy, beef, swine, lambs, goats, chickens, or rabbits), please contact Mr. Mark at the 4-H Office to receive more information about the upcoming shows and possession dates. Access the registration form below.

Livestock Registration

The PC Livestock team met on Tuesday, October 5th, and discussed the upcoming show season and begin preparations for the parish livestock show.

Pet Show

The annual Pointe Coupee 4-H Pet Show will be held at the Pointe Coupee Multi-Use Center (located next to the Scott Civic Center) in New Roads. A 4-H’er (in grades 4th-8th) may enter one animal per division. Please scan the QR code below and select the division(s) you plan to enter a pet in by Tuesday, October 19.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Registration 4:30 p.m.

Pet Show Start time: 5:00 p.m.

This is a “fun” show & does not follow any sanctioned show rules. Awards will be given for things like the longest tail, best trick, most fluffy, longest ears, etc. The 4-H Jr. Leaders will serve as our panel of judges. Ribbons will be awarded.


Any 4-H’er wanting to compete in this contest must enter their animal in one of the divisions mentioned & must also register for the costume contest category. Time will be given to get your animal into their costume.

DO NOT come with your animal dressed in costume. This will be the last event judged.

Notice– there are NO large animal divisions for cattle, hogs, or horses. We have livestock shows for these animals.

**Please note all dogs & cats MUST be on a leash & birds and reptiles MUST be in a cage for the show.**

Pet Show Pre Registration

Seed of the Month

Welcome to Seed of the Month Club! Each month, members will receive a packet of seeds (or plant material) with instructions on planting, watering, growing, and harvesting. Recipes, service opportunities, and a wide variety of gardening education will be available for youth.

JanuarySweet Potatoes
MarchGreen Beans
MayYellow Squash

To register please scan the QR code below or call the 4-H Office. Also, no worries, no prior gardening experience is needed! To receive your seeds register at the link below or call the 4-H office. A record book will be included with your Seed Packet. A records contest will be held at the end of the 2021 year in conjunction with Achievement Day.

Register Here

Shooting Sports Registration

The PC 4-H Shooting Sports Program is ready to get started and welcome new members! PC 4-H hosted a informational meeting on Tuesday, September 28. If you were unable to attend but interested in competing please register below.

Register Here

The registration fee is $15.00 and $10.00 for each additional discipline. All registration forms and fees are due to Mr. Mark at the 4-H Office by Thursday, October 21.

Sugar and Pecan Cookery Contest

Our annual Sugar and Pecan Cookery contest is back!

When: Tuesday, November 23

Dish Drop off at 9:30 a.m.

Awards and Pick Up 11:30 a.m.

Sugar Cookery Rules:

  1. The recipe must contain at least one cup of granulated sugar.
  2. Sugar dishes cannot have pecans in them.
  3. Bring a printed copy of the recipe
  4. Place all entries on a disposable dish.

Divisions Include:

  1. Cookie (enter 6 cookies)
  2. Cake (enter 1/2 cake)
  3. Brownies (enter 6 brownies)
  4. Fudge (enter 6 pieces)
  5. Other Sugar Dishes (enter 1/2 the recipe)

Sugar Cookery Rules:

  1. The recipe must contain at least one cup of granulated sugar.
  2. Bring a printed copy of the recipe
  3. Place all entries on a disposable dish.

Divisions Include

  1. Candy (enter 6 pieces of candy)
  2. Nut Bread (enter 1/2 recipe)
  3. Brownies with Pecans (enter 6 brownies)
  4. Other Pecan Dishes (enter 1/2 recipe)

Sweet Potato Sale

Pointe Coupee 4-H is hosting its annual Sweet Potato Sale. Boxes are available of cured Louisiana sweet potatoes just in time for the holidays. Pick up will be on November 11th 12:00-5:00 or November 12th 7:30-1:00 at the 4-H Office.

Money earned from the sale will benefit the Pointe Coupee 4-H program. Complete the order form below and return it with your check made payable to the Pointe Coupee 4-H Foundation to the address below by Thursday, October 28, 2020.

Mailing Address: 180 East Main St. 1st floor • New Roads, LA 70760

To order please call the 4-H office at 225-638-5533 or email tmanual@agcenter.lsu.edu

10/4/2021 3:45:42 PM
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