Welcome all members, new and returning, to another exciting year in Pointe Coupee! This year we are going on a fun virtual adventure learning more about “4-H Science Lab 2.0” We are proud to be the largest positive youth development organization in the country. It is open to students who are ages 9-19 as of January 1, 2022. In 4‑H, members complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult leaders and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
To join Pointe Coupee 4-H you can pick up an enrollment packet from your club leader at your school. Please pick up and complete the 4-H enrollment card at school and return it to school with your club dues.
I am looking forward to a great year!
The Central Region 4-H program (which includes Pointe Coupee Parish) is looking for young leaders who are interested in learning about the changing world of agriculture and who may be preparing for agriculture careers in the future. The objective of the Junior Ag Leadership program is to bring awareness to our youth in the form of knowledge and skills regarding where our food and fiber come from, the various agricultural sectors that are involved in production agriculture, research and extension programs that aim to support and sustain Louisiana agriculture and academic opportunities in agricultural fields.
If you are interested in this unique and prestigious opportunity reach out to Mrs. Brandi for an application at bffrey@agcenter.lsu.edu
Applications are due September 22, 2021
Junior Ag Leaders will be required to participate 1-2 days each month in opportunities in the areas listed below.
Class members will:
All 7th – 12th grade 4-H members are encouraged to join and participate in the Jr. Leader Club. This club is full of fun and friendship! Members will get to attend the fun-interactive monthly meetings and participate in the service activities the club works with each year. The Jr. Leader club also helps to run parish 4-H activities by serving as judges, registering participants, and setting up for contests. We will rely on this group more than ever to help with our programming.
You will want to join us at our first meeting which will be held on
When: Sunday, September 19 at 5:00 pm
Where: 4-H office in New Roads.
ALL interested 7-12th graders are invited should register with the link above.
Attention Livestock Exhibitors or any new 4-H members who may be interested in showing livestock (dairy, beef, swine, lambs, goats, chickens, or rabbits), please contact Mr. Mark at the 4-H Office to receive more information about the upcoming shows and possession dates. Scan the QR code below to access the registration form.
When: October 5th @ 5:30 pm
Where: Cottonport Community Center
We will discuss the upcoming show season and begin preparations for the parish livestock show.
This year’s 4-H theme is 4-H Builds. 4-H will be working on building up our enrollment, building true leaders, building future citizens, and building impacts within our community! National 4-H Week will be celebrated October 3-9, 2021. We challenge each of our members to share your 4-H stories and participate in community service throughout the week! Be sure to check out our parish social media and Louisiana 4-H social media pages for ideas and activities. As you build your communities through service, please share your pictures and stories with us on social media by using #4HBuilds on all of your posts.
Decorating your Club Leader’s Door OR bulletin board in school is a great opportunity to recruit new club members during 4-H Week!
Come and join the fun on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 @ 4:30 p.m. at the Pointe Coupee Multi-Use Center in New Roads. Registration will be from 4:30—5:00 pm with the show beginning at 5:00 pm. Save the Date! Remember it’s never too early to get your pet’s costume ready for our Pet Halloween Costume Contest. Be on the lookout for more information in next month’s newsletter.
Pointe Coupee 4-H will host its annual Ham & Cheese Po-boy sale this fall. All proceeds for the Po-Boy sale will support Pointe Coupee Youth who will be representing Pointe Coupee 4-H at a National Contest this fall in Louisville, KY and the remaining proceeds will support the PC 4-H program. For $8.00 you will receive ham & cheese po-boy, chips, and a cookie. All po-boys must be pre-ordered thru the 4-H office. Orders are due Tuesday, September 28. We will deliver for orders of 10 or more if requested. Po-Boy pickup will be Tuesday, October 5th from 10:30 – 1:00 at the 4-H office.
Welcome to Seed of the Month Club! Each month, members will receive a packet of seeds (or plant material) with instructions on planting, watering, growing, and harvesting. Recipes, service opportunities, and a wide variety of gardening education will be available for youth.
October | Carrots |
November | Lettuce |
January | Sweet Potato |
February | Sun Flowers |
March | Green Beans |
April |
To register please click the link code below or call the 4-H Office. Also, no worries, no prior gardening experience is needed! To receive your seeds register at the link below or call the 4-H office. A record book will be included with your Seed Packet. A records contest will be held at the end of the 2021 year in conjunction with Achievement Day.
The Pointe Coupee 4-H Shooting sports program is ready to kick back off and welcome new members! Members can choose to shoot either shotgun, archery, or rifle or they can participate in multiple disciplines. All participants must attend 8 hours of practice. Practices are held on Sundays at the Pointe Coupee Sheriff Range in Morganza. Practice dates are determined by each discipline coach.
If you are interested in joining, please join us for our Registration Meeting.
When: September 28 @ 5:30 pm
Where: Cottonport Community Center
The registration fee is $15.00. All registration forms and fees are due to Mr. Mark at the 4-H Office by Thursday, October 21.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture