DeSoto Parish Cattlemen's Association Meeting - July 2021

Joshua Salley, Saenz, Melissa S.

The DeSoto Parish Cattlemen’s Association held their quarterly meeting on the evening of July 27, 2021.

Mr. Brian Baiamonte with NRCS discussed the different types of cost share programs that NRCS offers to landowners for land improvements such as the EQUIP program.

Mr. Collin Greer with Twin Rivers Vet Supply discussed the importance of vaccinating calves and how preconditioning weaning age calves can result in higher premiums for producers. Mr. Greg Burns with the Nacogdoches Livestock Exchange talked about their Pre-Vac sales and explained how he could assist producers in marketing their cattle.

Mr. Henry Richardson, President of the DeSoto Parish Cattlemen’s Association, recognized Mr. Chuck Griffin (Retired DeSoto Parish Extension Agent) for his many years of service and dedication to DeSoto Parish cattlemen. A great brisket meal was enjoyed by all who attended as well.


Collin Green (left) and Greg Burns (right)

Chuck Griffin and Henry Richardson

8/5/2021 5:19:34 PM
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