2021 Warm Season Update

Jeb Fields, Edwards, Ashley, Thiessen, Maureen, Stagg, Jason

A visual collection of some of our best performing trial plants in the gardens so far this year. This includes bedding plants, container trials, and perennials.

unplugged pink salviaJPG

Unplugged Pink Salvia

chrysocephalum flambe yellowJPG

Flambe Yellow Strawflower


Graceful Grasses Prince Tut Dwarf Egyptian Papyrus

shamrock peach lantanaJPG

Shamrock Peach Lantana

soiree vincaJPG

Soiree Kawaii Vinca

amazel basil ocimum basilicumJPG

Amazel Basil Sweet Italian Basil

artist blue ageratumJPG

Artist Blue Flossflower

candy cane chocolate cherry pepperJPG

Candy Cane Chocolate Cherry Sweet Pepper


Suncredible Yellow Sunflower

Begonia Double Up White SH2JPG

Double Up White Begonia

heliotropium augusta lavenderJPG

Augusta Lavender Heliotrope

Luscious citron lantana camaraJPG

Luscious Citron Lantana


AlliYUM! Garlic Chives

Thai towers basilJPG

Everleaf Thai Towers Basil

Torchlight ColorBlaze plectranthusJPG

ColorBlaze Torchlight Coleus


Shock Wave Volt Mixture Improved Spreading Petunia

euphoria ruby eupatorium purpureumJPG

Euphoria Ruby Joe-Pye Weed


Beacon Impatiens

Helianthus Suncredible Saturn 3JPG

Suncredible Saturn Sunflower

Noir plectranthusJPG

ColorBlaze Newly Noir Coleus

shockwave spark mixture impJPG

Shock Wave Spark Mixture Improved Spreading Petunia

uptick red coreopsisJPG

Uptick Red Coreopsis


MiniFamous Neo Pink Hawaii Calibrachoa

lucky pink lantanaJPG

Lucky Pink Lantana

artist pearl ageratumJPG

Artist Pearl Flossflower

pot a peno pepperJPG

Pot-a-peño Pepper

7/8/2021 3:59:05 PM
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