The fourth quarter 2020 stumpage price report indicates increases for all product classes except hardwood pulpwood, which declined from the prior quarter.
Product Class | Price Per Ton | % Change from Prior Quarter |
Pine sawtimber | $24 | +4 |
Pine chip-and-saw | $18 | +13 |
Pine pulpwood |
$7 | +17 |
Oak sawtimber | $42 | +2 |
Hardwood sawtimber─mixed grade | $35 | +7 |
Hardwood pulpwood | $7 | -13 |
— State average stumpage prices ($ per ton) of Louisiana.
— This document is intended for use by forestry stakeholders of Louisiana. The source of these prices is proprietary in nature; prices are rounded per agreements to disseminate them to the public.
The first quarter 2021 stumpage price report indicates declines in all sawtimber types and an increase in hardwood pulpwood prices relative to the fourth quarter of 2020.
Product Class | Price Per Ton | % Change from Prior Quarter |
Pine sawtimber | $23 | +4 |
Pine chip-and-saw | $18 | 0 |
Pine pulpwood |
$7 | 0 |
Oak sawtimber | $41 | -2 |
Hardwood sawtimber─mixed grade | $31 | -11 |
Hardwood pulpwood | $8 | +13 |
— State average stumpage prices ($ per ton) of Louisiana.
— This document is intended for use by forestry stakeholders of Louisiana. The source of these prices is proprietary in nature; prices are rounded per agreements to disseminate them to the public.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture