Pointe Coupee Youth Wins LSU AgCenter State Horse Premier Exhibitor Contest

meghanshort1jpgWhile the State Horse show team was determined and resilient in hosting the 2020 LSU AgCenter State Horse Show mother nature had other plans. Hurricane Laura certainly dealt a massive blow to the southern parts of our state. With the unforeseen circumstances, the 2020 LSU AgCenter State Horse show held for September 25-27 had been canceled although don't count out the resiliency of our youth. Meghan Short of Pointe Coupee Parish faced adversity and continued to compete in the virtual version of the Horse Premier Exhibitor Contest. Premier Exhibitor awards sponsored by the Gerry Lane Foundation are given to participants who display a true knowledge of the horse program. Each exhibitor is tested on skills and knowledge of horses through an exam, interview, and résumé. Contestants completed five different exams to test their knowledge and ability within the 4H Horse Project; Interview, Resume, Skillathon, Written Exam, and Horse Judging.

Meghan has been a participant in the horse program for six years. Meghan intended on showing in the 2020 State Horse show on her six-year-old American Quarter Horse, Skeezixs Gallo Girl in ranch groundwork, ranch trail, and stock horse pleasure. Meghan and her family have been active in the 4-H horse program for many years and continue to make it a family affair. We are proud to have Meghan in the Pointe Coupee 4-H Horse program. For winning the 2020 State Premier Exhibitor Meghan will receive $500, trophy, belt buckle, and jacket. Thank you to Dr. Neely Walker for diligently working with our premier exhibitor contestants.

9/22/2020 7:54:59 PM
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