The Trials at Hammond - 2020 Garden Highlights

The Garden Highlights section includes great performing plants at the Hammond Research Station that are not part of the annual color trials. These are the top performers from our trees, shrubs, woodies, and other categories that we want to promote to the industry for further discussion. Many of these plants are in multi-year trials or part of long term displays, so we try to select those that performed the best this year. We also try to switch things up from year to year, so some evaluations that were included in the highlights last year will not be featured this year. As we always say, we don't have time to discuss everything (at least until our new website is published this fall), but these plants are certainly deserving of attention this year!

Heart of the Jungle ColocasiaJPG

Heart of the Jungle Colocasia

Double Down Hydrangea macrophyllaJPG

Double Down Hydrangea macrophylla

Inspired Violet buddleiaJPG

Inspired Violet Buddleia

Michelia skinneriana Banana ShrubJPG

Michelia skinnerana - Banana Shrub


'Sweet Tea' Gordlinia


Ilex glabra Gem Box


Jubilation Gardenia


'Radiance' Abelia

alabama beauty camelliajpg

Alabama Beauty Camellia

tator tot thujajpg

Tater Tot Arborvitae

Blue My MInd EvolvulusJPG

Evolvulus Blue My Mind

candy cornJPG

Candy Corn Spirea

cerise charm loropetalumJPG

Cerise Charm Loropetalum

Daylily Celebrity AffairJPG

Westfarms Celebrity Affair Daylily


Taiwan Cherry

fire light hydrangeajpg

Fire Light Hydrangea

Fairy Blush Magnolia 2JPG

Fairy Blush Michelia

fragrant snow prunus mume1jpg

'Fragrant Snow' Prunus mume

Dwarf Joe Pye WeedJPG

Little Joe - Dwarf Joe Pye Weed

golden Oakland hollyJPG

Golden Oakland Holly

glowing embers Japanese mapleJPG

'Glowing Embers' Acer japonica

speckled spider azaleajpg

'Speckled Spider' Azalea

peach perfection abelia 2JPG

Peach Perfection Abelia

pugster amethyst buddleiaJPG

Pugster Amethyst Buddleia

Martha Turnbull GardeniaJPG

'Martha Turnbull' Gardenia

Luscious Royale Cosmo LantanaJPG

Luscious Royale Cosmo Lantana

Betty MagnoliaJPG

Little Girls Series Hybrid Magnolia 'Betty'

Snow Blizzard CamelliaJPG

'Snow Blizzard' Camellia

rockin blue suede shoes salvia hybridJPG

Rockin' Blue Suede Shoes Salvia


Little Girls Series Hybrid Magnolia 'Susan'

Bottle Pop Neon Pink BottlebrushJPG

Bottle Pop Neon Pink Bottlebrush

victoria blue s farinaceaJPG

'Victoria Blue' Salvia farinacea

pugster blue buddleia hybridJPG

Pugster Blue Buddleia


Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus Orange Flowered Sweet Olive


Galphimia speciosa - Golden Thryallis

inland sea oatsJPG

Inland Sea Oats

jessicas ruffles camelliajpg

Jessica Ruffles Camellia

mag bed 3JPG

'Jon Jon' Hybrid Magnolia

peggy clarkjpg

'Peggy Clarke' Prunus mume

mrs schillers delightJPG

'Mrs. Schiller's Delight' Viburnum

roman candleJPG

Roman Candle Podocarpus

squirt leucothoeJPG

Squirt Leucothoe

sunshine ligustrumJPG

Sunshine Ligustrum

butterflies magnoliajpg

'Butterflies' Hybrid Yellow Magnolia

gold cup magnoliaJPG

'Gold Cup' Hybrid Yellow Magnolia

6/30/2021 7:51:02 PM
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