Demonstrations are a great way for you to teach someone how to do a particular task. A demonstration is showing and telling someone how to do something. A demonstration is different from a speech because you show what to do as well as tell what to do.
A good demonstration will have three parts to it. The first part is the introduction. You should tell the audience why the demonstration is important to them. In other words, capture the audience’s attention. The second part is the body. The body is where you actually show and tell how to do it. Make sure you tell and show the audience all the tools and materials needed. Then show step by step how to do or make whatever it is you want to demonstrate. Try to have a finished product at the end. The third part is the conclusion. Highlight the most important steps again in the conclusion. Also tell where you got your information from.
A team demonstration has two people working together. Make sure that you and your partner share the working and the talking. Smooth teamwork is important in a team demonstration.
Practice, Practice, Practice! One of the most important things you can do to have a good demonstration is to practice.
Posters or other visual aids can help make your demonstration presentation more effective. You might choose to have a title poster, a poster to list your tools and supplies and a third poster to list in order the steps you have to do.
Good Luck!
1. Any topic related to entomology (insects) may be demonstrated.
b. Environmental Protection
c. Pesticide Safety
d. Mounting Insects
May be given on any topic which relates to family and consumer science (housing, child development, financial management, etc), except food preparation demonstrations.
General Demonstration (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
Team may choose any topic which relates to some phase of agriculture. (Examples: animal health and/or care, grooming, equipment use)
Horse Demonstration (State Horse Show Qualifying Contest for 6th – 12th Grade)
1. May be a demonstration or illustrated talk.
2. Subject must pertain to the horse industry.
3. Live animals may be used.
Horticulture Use Demonstration (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
1. Must relate to use of horticultural crops.
2. Possible topics: Preparation of any food (horticulture product) using fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc., for table uses, cooked or raw or for canning, freezing, or dehydration.
Horticulture General Demonstration (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
Possible topics:
Louisiana Chef Demonstration (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
Present a demonstration preparing a dish using a Louisiana agriculture product (ex. – rice, beef, seafood, poultry, pork) NOT HORTICULTURE PRODUCTS. Demonstration should include history of the product, types available, food value of product, cooking characteristics and product importance in our economy.
Any Other Subject
1. A demonstration that does not fit in any of the above listed categories will be placed in the Any Other Subject category.
2. Demonstrations entered in this category cannot be given in another category.
3. This is not a 4-H University qualifying contest.
Speech contests require that a member simply present an oral speech.NO VISUALS are expected.
This is an individual contest.
The speech must be original and composed by the 4-H member.
The speech should be at least 3 minutes long and no more than 7 minutes.
Notes and visuals may be used if desired, but speeches should not be read.
Judges may ask questions after speech.Question time will not be counted in the allotted time.
Contestants may speak on cooperatives -- farmer, electric, or other cooperatives can be your subject. Information on cooperatives can be obtained from the 4-H Office or on-line.Cooperative (Co-op) Public Speaking (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
General Public Speaking (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
Contestants may speak on any subject except Cooperatives and Horses, as these are the subject for another contest.
Horse Public Speaking (State Horse Show Qualifying Contest for 6th – 12th Grades)
Subject must pertain to the horse industry.
An Illustrated Talk is simply a “speech” with visuals (posters or handouts).The presenter does NOT demonstrate a skill.Follow specific category rules closely as some require certain types of visuals.
Suggested topics – Present an illustrated talk on some aspect of conservation of any of the state’s natural resources, such as soil, water, energy, air, forests, wetlands, etc.Environmental Conservation Illustrated Talk (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
Food Star (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 9-12th Grade)
1. Open to members in the 9-12th grades only.
2. Teams of 2-4 members allowed.
3. Prepare recipe in advance and bring 1 plated dish for judges to sample. Recipe must contain at least 1 pound of Louisiana seafood and must be 750 calories or less per serving.
4. Submit copy of recipe to judges with calorie count listed.
5. Present 3-5 minute talk about dish. Include preparation, nutrition and economic value of seafood used. All team members should take part in the oral presentation.
Soybean Illustrated Talk (4-H University Qualifying Contest for 8-12th Grade)
Present an illustrated talk (posters/visuals only - not a demonstration) about the soybean industry. It is suggested that the presentation be on some specific phase of the soybean industry. Present a talk on such topics as: disease control, nutrition importance, harvesting, weed control, marketing, use of soybeans, etc.
Seafood Ambassador Contest (Illustrated Talk)
Division Winners qualify to compete at State Ambassador Contest
Topic for each division should relate to one of five categories:
Seafood Division I – (Grade 6)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of poster subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
3. Responds to questions from judges.
4. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
5. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Seafood Division II – (Grades 7-9)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Prepare an essay not to exceed 500 words or 3 typed pages, (12-14 spaces per inch) double spaced, about the selected subject.
3. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
4. Responds to questions from judges.
5. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
6. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Seafood Division III – (Grades 10-12)
These contestants must present an Illustrated Talk with the following considerations:
1. The illustrated talk should concern seafood (should NOT be a demonstration). Information for the talk can be taken from reliable sources.
2. The presentation should be 5-8 minutes in length. Points will be deducted for any length under 5 minutes or over 8 minutes. Additional time will be allowed for set-up and removal of posters.
3. Posters or Power Point presentations are allowed for the Illustrated Talk (no table top displays are allowed). (Costumes based on theme are acceptable).
4. No cooking or preparation of a dish will be required for this division.
Poultry Ambassador Contest – (Chicken & Turkey) ILLUSTRATED TALK
Division Winners will compete at State Ambassador Contest
Topic for each division should relate to one of five categories:
Poultry (Chicken and Turkey) Division I – (Grade 6)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of poster subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
3. Responds to questions from judges.
4. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
5. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Poultry (Chicken and Turkey) Division II – (Grades 7-9)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Prepares an essay not to exceed 500 words or 3 typed pages, (12-14 spaces per inch) double spaced, about the selected subject.
3. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
4. Responds to questions from judges.
5. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
6. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Poultry (Chicken and Turkey) Division III – (Grades 10-12)
These contestants must present an Illustrated Talk with the following considerations:
1. The Illustrated Talk should concern chicken or turkey (depending on the contest the 4-H’er is competing in). Information for the talk can be taken from the Poultry Fact Sheet and other reliable sources.
2. The presentation should be 5-8 minutes in length. Points will be deducted from any length under 5 minutes or over 8 minutes. Additional time will be allowed for set-up and removal of posters.
3. Posters or Power Point presentations are allowed for the Illustrated Talk (no table top displays are allowed). (Costumes based on theme are acceptable).
4. No cooking or preparation of a dish will be required for this division.
Egg Ambassador Contest -Illustrated Talk
Division Winners will compete at State Ambassador Contest
Topic for each division should relate to one of five categories:
Egg Division I – (Grades 6)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of poster subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
3. Responds to questions from judges.
4. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
5. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Egg Division II – (Grades 7-9)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Prepares an essay not to exceed 500 words or 3 typed pages, (12-14 spaces per inch) double spaced, about the selected subject.
3, Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
4. Responds to questions from judges.
5. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
6. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Egg Division III – (Grades 10-12)
These contestants must present an Illustrated Talk with the following considerations:
1. The illustrated talk should concern eggs. Information for the talk can be taken from reliable sources.
2. The presentation should be 5-8 minutes in length. Points will be deducted for any length under 5 minutes or over 8 minutes. Additional time will be allowed for set-up and removal of posters.
3. Only posters are allowed for the Illustrated Talk (no table top displays are allowed). Power point or computer generated presentations are not allowed. (Costumes based on theme are acceptable).
Sugarcane Ambassador Contest- Illustrated Talk
Division Winners will complete at State Ambassador Contest
Topic for each division should relate to one of five categories:
(1) production, (2) food preparation and nutritive value, (3) food safety, (4) processing, (5) marketing
Sugar Division I – (Grade 6)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of poster subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
3. Responds to questions from judges.
4. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
5. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
6. No notes or outlines, other than wording on the posters are to be used while giving the presentation.
Sugar Division II – (Grades 7-9)
1. Contestant designs standard poster 22” X 28”.
2. Prepares an essay not to exceed 500 words or 3 typed pages, (12-14 spaces per inch) double-spaced, about the selected subject.
3. Presents a 2-3 minute explanation of subject. (Only one poster is allowed; no table top displays are allowed)
4. Responds to questions from judges.
5. No cooking or preparation of a dish is required for this division.
6. Costumes based on a theme are acceptable.
Sugar Division III – (Grades 10-12)
These contestants must present an Illustrated Talk with the following considerations:
1. The illustrated talk should concern sugar/sugarcane (should NOT be a demonstration).
2. The presentation should be 5-8 minutes in length. Points will be deducted for any length under 5 minutes or over 8 minutes. Additional time will be allowed for set-up and removal of posters.
3. Posters or Power points are allowed for the Illustrated Talk. No table top displays are allowed. (Costumes based on theme are acceptable).
5. No cooking or preparation of a dish will be required for this division.
Elementary 4-H Demonstration & Public Speaking
Elementary members are limited to 1 demonstration or 1 speech
Only 4th grade and 5th grade 4-H members will compete
The demonstrations will be team demonstrations (2 members per team).
Elementary Demonstrations
1.Must be 4th or 5th grader.
2.Must be a team of 2
3.Divisions are:a. Animals; b. Plants; c. Foods; d. Agriculture and Natural Resources (not
plants or animals); e. Home Economics (not foods).
Public Speaking
1.Any 4-H member can compete
2.This is an individual contest
3.Any topic you choose is allowed
4.The speech must be original and composed by the 4-H member.
5.Time limit should be at least 3 minutes long and no more than 7 minutes.