Insect research under Blake Wilson, an LSU AgCenter entomologist, continued in 2018 with several ongoing projects.
Foliar applications of Prevathon, manufactured by FMC Agricultural Products, are showing good effectiveness against stem borers, Wilson said. The product is already in use in sugarcane, and a label for rice will be pursued, he said.
A study of spatial distribution of rice water weevils and stem borers continued in 2018 has shown the highest densities of the insects are found on the edges of fields, Wilson said. This work could lead to a variable rate of insecticide used across a field, with the largest amount applied on a field’s outside acreage.
Wilson said insecticide trials were conducted on new seed and foliar treatments. He said a test of using Dermacor with neonicotinoids is showing promise to address a wider range of insects.
He said the second year of a Dermacor rate study showed a reduced amount of the product can still be effective when used in tandem with other seed treatments.
A study of Tenchu on stinkbugs had good results in 2018, he said.
“It seems to be as effective as pyrethroids,” Wilson said.
Wilson said a study conducted by graduate student James Villegas continued this year to determine which varieties best tolerate rice water weevil infestation. He said the study is showing that hybrids have lower yield losses than inbred varieties.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture