4-H Events & Important Dates

2020 - 05 - May

May 11 - State Office, National Conference Applications due

May 28 - 4-H U Participation registration and T-Shirt Orders due in 4-H Office

2020 - 06 - June

June 22-25 - Virtual 4-H University at LSU Campus

June 10 - Market Steer Possession - State Fair of Louisiana

June 17 - Order State Fair Validation items for Sheep, Goats and Commercial Heifers

2020 - 07 - July

July 10 - State Fair - Possession Date market Lambs, Goats, Commercial Heifers, Does and Ewes.

2020 - 08 - August

August 1 - LSU Market Steer Possession and Validation date

5/15/2020 2:31:57 PM
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