Livingston Parish Advisory Leadership Council Meets

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The meeting adjourned with a group picture. From left to right are: Jeanette Lewis, Sheri Gill, and Learah Moss.

On Thursday, May 10, 2018, LSU Stakeholders met at the Livingston Parish Extension Office to develop a vision for the Livingston Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Program.The meeting was originally scheduled for March 29 but with the threat of severe weather, the meeting was postponed.The goal of the meeting was for stakeholders to identify and prioritize the nutrition and health needs of the people of the parish.

LSU AgCenter Area Nutrition Agent, Layne Langley, welcomed members to the FCS Advisory Leadership Council (ALC) meeting.Those in attendance introduced themselves.Langley stated the purpose of the ALC was to “assure that education, outreach, and research programs conducted by the LSU AgCenter are in keeping with the mission, vision, and goals of the LSU AgCenter”.She went on to inform the group that they identify issues of concern, help with program direction, market the LSU AgCenter programs, and collaborate with the LSU AgCenter.Langley provided the members with an update of staff in the Livingston Parish AgCenter Office.She then shared the Livingston Parish Annual Report with those in attendance.Langley noted her hope was to also provide opportunities to expand their leadership skills and for the members to share their talents. Those stakeholders in attendance were: Sheri Gill- Denham Springs Council on Aging (COA), Jeanette Lewis- Livingston Head Start, and Learah Moss- Livingston Volunteers for Family & Community (LVFC).

The members’ responsibilities were reviewed with the most important role being that of identifying the needs and issues of the clientele they represent.Langley conducted a Grains Scramble Activity to give the members a “taste” of her programming.She then provided an overview of the agencies she delivers nutrition program to including: Springfield Head Start, Maurepas COA, Denham Springs COA, Livingston Adult Ed, LVFC, PARDS Summer Camp, Camp Empowerment, Library SummerReading Program, and Best Care Day Care. Stakeholders reviewed the FCS ALC minutes from the last meeting held December 12, 2016.

All agencies represented had positive things to say about the nutrition programs that Langley delivers. It was also noted that the seniors at the COA love the recipes that they have been introduced to during the nutrition programs. One mentioned that Langley needs an assistant to be able to deliver more programs and reach more audiences. Langley asked the group to share current issues and make recommendations to meet those issues.Diabetes is prevalent in Livingston.Langley informed the group that she had delivered a Dining with Diabetes Series at North Oaks in Satsuma.She asked if the COA members, Head Start parents, or Volunteers for Family & Community (VFC) would have any issues paying the $40 registration fee.She was quickly told that most of those groups are on fixed income.It was suggested to possibly look into sponsorship from parish businesses.Another thought to help reach more audiences was to reach out to the VFC members.Teaching finances in grade school was also mentioned as a need in the parish. In an effort to see both Head Starts, Langley will look at developing a schedule that meets weekly instead of monthly.

It was determined that the best time to meet for another ALC meeting would be during the first couple weeks of November in the afternoon.

6/11/2018 7:11:50 PM
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