West Feliciana ALC members who attended the meeting were (front row left to right) Dawn Hoyle, Trisha LeBlanc, Lanya Mayer, Elizabeth Bristow, and Adriane Hargrove. Back row: Ann Andries.
On Monday, March 26, 2018, LSU stakeholders met at the West Feliciana Extension Office to develop a vision for the West Feliciana Parish Extension Service-Family & Consumer Sciences Program. The goal of the Advisory Leadership Council (ALC) Meeting was for stakeholders to identify and prioritize the needs of the people of the parish.
The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m. Those in attendance included: Dawn Hoyle, Ann Andries, Adriane Hargrove, Elizabeth Bristow, Lanya Mayer, and Trisha LeBlanc. LSU AgCenter staff present were Layne Langley, Area Nutrition Agent and Parish Chair and Kim Coulon, Healthy Communities Agent.
After the parish overview and purpose of the ALC were provided, stakeholders participated in a Whole Grain Unscramble Activity so they could get a sense of some of the nutrition activities delivered by the AgCenter. Langley and Coulon shared information about their nutrition programs, who they service, and their outreach efforts. The minutes for the 2015 ALC Meeting were reviewed. The floor was opened for discussion. Stakeholders were asked to think about and answer “What are current issues that are facing the youth and families of West Feliciana Parish that can be addressed through nutrition programming?” It was unanimous that there is a need for a facility to exercise for all ages. Making poor food choices when it comes to busy nights was also brought up. It was suggested that programs be delivered to teach middle and high school students and their parents how to prepare healthy meals that are quick and effortless that can be transported easily between school, extracurricular activities, and sports. Several members also mentioned the need for healthy food/snack options from the Sports Park. The stakeholders suggested working with the Sports Park to address their concerns. They also provided several healthier alternatives to the current food/snacking choices including: hummus and pita chips, apple slices and peanut butter, fresh fruits, frozen yogurt, and smoothies as healthier options while at the park.
The meeting ended with the discussion of the next ALC Meeting. It was determined that September would be the best month to hold a follow up meeting. A group photo of the stakeholders was then taken.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture