Not only has Mrs. Gwen been a devoted wife for 33 years to her husband Timothy and stay at home mom to her 7 children for 21 years, she has also been a dedicated 4-H volunteer in Vermilion parish for 18 plus years. Gwen started her journey with 4-H as a member herself at Herod Elementary in 1974 where she was involved for 5 years. Her son then wanted to join 4-H and since she was a 4-Her, she naturally agreed. For the past 18 years, she has served and is still serving as both Lafayette and Vermilion Parishes Farm Bureau Federation assistant and is the 4-H club organizational leader at Mt. Carmel, Seventh Ward, JH Williams. She also serves as the livestock advisory board and beef project leader, is an advisory committee member and leader training committee member and is the 4-H Foundation Co-Chairman.
Gwen is also very involved in the Jr. Leader Club and can be found at monthly meetings, chaperoning educational trips, organizing community service activities, coordinating fundraisers, and guiding youth at officer retreats. Gwen has also accepted the challenge to develop a 5-year plan to ensure that the necessary funds are available to continue to run the parish program in the future.
Because of her dedication to the program, she has been awarded state winner adult volunteer leader, and was an honoree at Vermilion parish 4-H achievement day. Gwen believes that 4-H not only makes a difference, it makes a life. She says that her experiences in 4-H are one of God’s greatest gifts to her and she’s grateful to have touched so many lives.The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture